"Why the hell did I buy this?!"

I called our paint division today to see about getting white primer for Agnes's scalp. That's a no-go, but they do offer a white sealer. I axed the man for the part number, and those of any necessary ancillary chemicals. The number for the activator sounded suspiciously familiar, so I did a search history on it under my account. There 'twas, with a corresponding quart of the white sealer on the same invoice. I didn't buy it to use on Agnes, because the whole "paint the roof white" idea is only a couple weeks old.

I came home and walked out to the garage, and both are literally sitting atop the bench in plain sight. I've looked at them without seeing them 100 times in the past few days.

More shit I don't remember buying. On the bright side, at least this time I didn't buy it again. Bonus points that it took mere seconds to find for once.

