28 Different Chords


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
I'm looking at The Beatles Complete CHORD Songbook and I came across a song with 28 different chords.

Can anyone name it?

From the back of the book:
"All 194 songs written and sung The Beatles, specially arranged by Rikki Rooksby from the actual recordings, in the original keys."

So, for those musically inclined, it should ring true if you know the song.

I'll say it's a song most should know. I've heard it on the classic rock stations. So, it's not a way, way out there song.
The Beatles could count to 28? You'd never know it by their music. Someone must have done it for them.
The Beatles could count to 28? You'd never know it by their music. Someone must have done it for them.

Oh, again with the beatles bashing. :doubt:

Ahh, but like jass I can't think of any complicated enough to use more than 2 or 3. How about another hint, I don't want to google cheat.
Don't care for the Beatles but don't loathe them either.... Had to call my mom with that line from the song. she knew it but no way I would have guessed it. I'll leave it to someone else to answer this since I cheated. :p
I kinda cheated too.:shifty:

Been listening to Beatles tunes for just about an hour now. I thought I was pretty familiar with the lyrics, but I missed that one.

Doc, they only counted to seven.
I see my correct answer was lost in the server move, so I'll repeat it:

You Never Give Me Your Money
off Abbey Road

it's really 3 songs turned into one-so that helps to explain all the chords.

